We Help You Market

Town Crier Marketing helps businesses build and enhance their custom-built and scaled marketing mechanism. When a business can promote, prospect and sell without overspending, the investment results in more control over revenue and the benefits that come with that control.

Results You Deserve

Problems Our Clients Face

The internet is unfamiliar territory which can result in wasting valuable time and money, especially for business owners.  Where to invest in promotion, how much to invest, how to measure return on that investment and effectively manage that process on an ongoing basis can be a daunting task.

What We Can Do For You

We optimize the online presence of your company, ensure the necessary and most valuable parts are in place and working together. Once they are, we leverage that to promote brand awareness and deploy content to the target market, right-sizing the budget to the business and measured return in sales. 

When your target market knows you exist, are given all the reasons to become customers, and approach you closer to being ready to buy, sales happen quicker and more often.

Why You Should Partner with Us!

Town Crier Marketing leverages decades of sales, marketing, business consulting and information technology expertise to help create a customized marketing department for our clients.  We know the region very well, are well-versed in the technology and process, and become a part of the promotion and sales engine to drive measurable results.

Trusted By Leading Companies

How Our Services Solve Your Problem

Decades of Information Technology and sales experience, coupled with 5 years working with local businesses marketing directly to this region are packed into the services we offer our clients.  Augmenting your team with ours will leverage that expertise to boost market awareness, provide intelligence back to the business, shape demand and control revenue in a measurable, adaptive and progressive manner.

Our Approach

What We Want From You

Take stock of your competition, outline objectives for revenue and growth, decide what budget you have to achieve those results. Then it is time reach out to us for a free assessment and consultation.

What You Will Receive

Our clients experience a relationship that is tailored to their specific business needs.  Whether that is simply a partner that manages a Google Ad and reports on the online presence, a social media manager, a full bolt-on marketing department running campaigns and promotions, or somewhere in between, we decide together and fill in where most valuable.

Results You Need

Appear higher in online searches and have the internet feed you qualified prospects.  Leverage the marketing & digital representation, tune up the process, and augment your team with ours.  Align business objectives to control and increase revenue by promoting and advertising to /engaging with the regional market.

"Our Promise to You"

 Hands-on Campaigns

These are not set and forget but expertly managed projects with the business objectives in our sights.

Our Expertise is Yours

We will document, knowledge transfer, consult and manage what makes sense for the business for a reasonable investment.

Stewards of Online Reputation 

We monitor and care for your online presence to influence the narrative and keep it serving the business with positive attention.

Track, Measure, Evolve Strategy & Tactics, Repeat 

Not just advertising, essential business promotion measured via revenue goals.


"I am absolutely thrilled with the exceptional results Town Crier Marketing has delivered for my mortgage business. Their personalized approach and outstanding service have consistently driven qualified leads, significantly boosting my year over year growth. The team's dedication to understanding my needs and exceeding expectations sets them apart, making them an invaluable partner for any business looking to achieve tangible growth and success."

- Matthew Gottfried

"The engaging and passionate humans at Town Crier are just true gems! For our business, Cameron and Doug have been able to review the technical aspects of our marketing approach and guide us into fine tuning it. They have offered both suggestions and hands on solutions, allowing us to make the right decisions for our optical boutique. They have taken the time to really get to know the whys of our business and have been pivotal to our recognition with the Stratford community. Town Crier Marketing is more than just social media calendars and analytics: it's evident that they believe in human connection and story sharing. And they will go above and beyond to ensure that your story is shared and told the way you want."

- Nicole and Nikki

"Dealing with Town Crier Marketing has helped me move beyond my internet fears to feeling confident about my presence on-line."

- Bonnie Richardson

What You Get

You get a right-sized marketing department.  Between what we know about business & local marketing and what you know about your offering & market, we are going to make a powerful team working together to promote your business, enhance revenue, and transform data into business insight.

Our Services

Digital Assessment

Social Media Management

Targeted Digital Campaigns

Website Development

Some of Our Posts